In the Wilder community, we connect, share our stories, join in collective activities to liberate our creativity, and help one another forge lives of joyful integrity.
PLUS! Join Wilder and you can participate in Martha's 12-month Deep Dive into her new book, Beyond Anxiety: Curiosity, Creativity, and Finding Your Life's Purpose. The Deep Dive is exclusive to the Wilder Community and free to all members.
Imagine how you’d feel if:
The first app you opened in the morning connected you with a group of warm, authentic, enthusiastic people who are there to support each other?
You could join in engaging activities and live events with cool, creative, purpose-driven people?
You could offer your perspective through questions and polls built to ensure that your voice is heard?
Wilder is your own personal non-toxic corner of the internet… your new home in a sexy, easy-to-use app!
Martha Beck and Rowan Mangan have spent years studying issue of personal authenticity and transformation from many different angles. They have a passion for liberating people from the constraints of culture and connecting those who are ready to come home to their true wild selves.
Our community is a warm, supportive and fun place to hang out. We’re focused on the ways it will make a huge difference in your life. Here are a few of the things you’ll get as a member of Wilder:
A strong sense of purpose
A source of joy and community
A sense of belonging
A place to check in daily and reconnect with your intentions
New visions of ways to make a living while serving your true nature
Ideas and perspectives you’ve never conceived of before
Practical tools for making daily life easier
Fun challenges and activities that maximize your creativity to solve any problem.
When you join Wilder Community today, you'll get access to:
A warm, supportive and FUN community of kindred spirits!
Regular livestream conversations with Martha Beck and Rowan Mangan
Daily discussions and activities with peers
Focusing on different aspects of our personal and collective transformations from practical, psychological and spiritual perspectives
Participating in group challenges, cheering each other on, and finding true friends.
Email us at [email protected].